Wednesday, December 17, 2014

We Hear This Often, Still Makes Us Smile!

We strive to provide the best service humanly possible.  Christian has board package preparation down to a science.  We utilize Adobe Pro, Dropbox and password protect the transmission of all sensitive documents.  Then create a final PDF that the listing agent can easily review.  Of yeah, we love the input we receive from the sell - side; our mission is a dynamic board package.

Yes we offer an alternative model for today's hands on buyer; think what Schwab did for the consumer in the financial services industry.  However we provide the absolute highest level of service to our clients!

"Hi Christian,

This is one of the best board packages I have ever had an opportunity to review.  Please let me know when it has been turned into the managing agent.


John Chubet

Associate Broker"

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Our Holiday Newsletter!

Our Holiday Newsletter!

For those not on our mailing list you can read what we sent out for this quarter.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

New Yorker Magazine Holiday Events Guide

Here is a wonderful list of holiday events going on throughout the city!